Into The Fray (in situ): a Secret Lentil Scarf Kit

"shhhhhhhhh .... it's Secret Lentil." — Samuel
Secret Lentil Into The Fray scarf kit - Samuel via Cathy
It's okay, we may speak the name out loud here. 

So: Into The Fray. What are people doing with their kits?

It's a kit, but it's more open-ended than prescriptive. I want you to take what I've done and build on it — however your particular soul-and-carcass combination cares to. You can't really do anything wrong. Let's take a look at what other nice people have made.
Secret Lentil Into The Fray scarf kit - MelissaFor her chartreuse and cabbage purple scarf, Melissa laid hers out like this and pinned her patches on so she had a plan from the start. Then she stitched around the edge of this one, and added an X. 
Secret Lentil Into The Fray hand stitching scarf kit - Melissa

added her own twisted thread in fun colors to make a spicy, earthy scarf.
Secret Lentil — Into The Fray Scarf kit — Grace
Let's look close up.
Secret Lentil — Into The Fray Scarf kit — Grace
Bright contrasting threads, some X's and running stitches, and some tiny dashes that follow the energy pattern in the patch.
Secret Lentil — Into The Fray Scarf kit — Grace
I really like the stitch lines that connect the patches.

Secret Lentil - Into The Fray Scarf Kit - Scottie
Ooh, look what fun Scottie had with hers. Nice graphic clusters of stitches, some cross-hatch laddery action, and a fancy asterisk surrounded by pine needles. At least that's what I see.

Secret Lentil Into The Fray Scarf Kit - Cathy and Samuel
Cathy's son Samuel is a geologist. She made a geology-themed scarf for him. It's reversible and it has a pocket. Details:
Secret Lentil - Into The Fray scarf kits - Cathy and Samuel

Here are the kits that are available right now:

(I'll have more soon, as well.)  thanks a bunch — helen

Energy Beauty Exploration - Secret Lentil