This Shoe Was Stolen From Russell F. Speirs, who took this picture ...
This Shoe Was Stolen From Russell F. Speirs, who took this picture ...
so, you know, make of it what you will. I knew him as Uncle Russ though he was my Great Uncle. When he visited I had a bit of trouble getting past how he let all the food mix together on his plate. But he made up for it by mailing me fantastic Thurber-esque cartoons, some of which I didn't realize were also adult-esque until years later. (A well-endowed woman wearing pearls with the caption "Whose cellar door is good for sliding down? Mrs. Gotrocks, that's who!") Most of them, however, concerned a running joke we had about Wonder Bread. He spent most of his life teaching Shakespeare and drama but this photo is from his stint in between college and professorship during WWll.
It's available as an 8 by 10 inch print.