page 95 our work embodies a higher purpose.
Helen Carter"Our work embodies a higher purpose. Whether we know it or not, we’re a conduit for the universe." — Rick Rubin, The Creative Act, page 95
I don’t care who believes in god or not. But the language that orbits this not-modernly-uncommon higher purpose idea ends up making it sound like you’re summoning angels and choirs and — well who am I to say? Maybe you are. I’ll let everyone have their own unique higher purpose floorshow. That’s not how it works for me.
My best work is what’s leftover when I engage but also get out of the way. It’s like there is a conveyor belt and I’m the sole factory worker who tinkers with something as it progresses, but I’m not the motor powering the belt. Well this is embarrassing. Does this mean I believe in a capital G capitalist God? And why on earth did I make him an industrialist bossman? That’s between me and my friend Phil to sort out, ha ha ha. I’ve never thought the power and mystery of the natural world equaled a god. I’m just an atheist over here, honestly reporting what I see.
Maybe everything everyone does is a conduit for the universe, not merely artists while they are arting. It’s just that some of us choose to channel love, art and good food and some of us are Henry Kissinger. Please don’t be Henry Kissinger.
- Writing this is awkward because I really believe the magic that connects us as the conduits of the universe doesn’t need words. I don’t think it’s hurt by them, but maybe our connection to them could be? It’s tough to do it justice because its power is in the experiential. The proof and the justice is in the work itself. Then we move on to the next piece.