From the sideboard: food, cooking, eating

Preserved Lemons! Where have you been all of my...
The waiting was the tough part. Though I did use a recipe, since it would be embarrassing if I survived a pandemic only to kill myself with botulism or summat.
Preserved Lemons! Where have you been all of my...
The waiting was the tough part. Though I did use a recipe, since it would be embarrassing if I survived a pandemic only to kill myself with botulism or summat.

Broth Falls Apart; The Freezer Cannot Hold
When the container was full, I dumped it into the Instant Pot, covered it with water, wandered off to yell about the government on twitter and came back to delicious broth.
Broth Falls Apart; The Freezer Cannot Hold
When the container was full, I dumped it into the Instant Pot, covered it with water, wandered off to yell about the government on twitter and came back to delicious broth.

It is (not) a most elusive fish ...
So now we have a fridge that looks a tiny bit like that of a serial killer, just up in one corner, so you know, not that much really ...
It is (not) a most elusive fish ...
So now we have a fridge that looks a tiny bit like that of a serial killer, just up in one corner, so you know, not that much really ...

lazy post-work late night chicken curry, uhhh, ...
Okay so naming a dish "slurry" is probably not the best marketing campaign. But people appear to be okay with eating sliders (full body shiver) so who knows?
lazy post-work late night chicken curry, uhhh, ...
Okay so naming a dish "slurry" is probably not the best marketing campaign. But people appear to be okay with eating sliders (full body shiver) so who knows?

Stochastic Sauerkraut, or, My Hands Smell Like ...
My name is Helen and I'm a sucker for gut biome stories. Now you know. Everyone needs a hobby. Yesterday morning I read this article on WIRED about gut biomes. If...
Stochastic Sauerkraut, or, My Hands Smell Like ...
My name is Helen and I'm a sucker for gut biome stories. Now you know. Everyone needs a hobby. Yesterday morning I read this article on WIRED about gut biomes. If...
I thought I had the precise amount of filling I needed for each dough ball. I could already hear my friend Phil offering this as proof there is a God...
I thought I had the precise amount of filling I needed for each dough ball. I could already hear my friend Phil offering this as proof there is a God...